
A Heart on Fire (Book)

Living as a mystic in today's world

Annika Spalde

Wild Goose
Pb. 173 pag.



Mysticism is not just for recluses: it is a totally practical path in the world that we all can choose. The mystic tradition teaches us that God is inherent in everything. What does this mean for the way we relate to creation with all its inhabitants and to the environment? How do we discover the presence of God within ourselves? How do we let compassion and commitment to justice characterise our lives so that we can practise mysticism in action?

Annika Spalde writes powerfully from her own experience, highlighting women who have followed the path of mysticism. Julian of Norwich, Mechthild of Magdeburg and others help us understand what it is to open ourselves up to God’s intense love for creation. She also explores female images of God, liberation from consumerism, and working for justice against violence and oppression. Exercises are included to help the reader practise spirituality in everyday life.

Annika is an ordained deacon in the Church of Sweden and lives in a community which works to promote nonviolence in theory and practice. She has been involved for many years in movements for nuclear disarmament and global justice. Together with her husband Pelle Strindlund she has written several books, among them Every Creature a Word of God: Compassion for Animals as Christian Spirituality.