CD Taizé Laudamus te


Ateliers et Presses de Taize



Nieuwe CD van Taizé

This CD shows how the prayer at Taizé is renewed while yet remaining constant throughout the years. Many of the songs presented here are new: written by
brothers of Taizé between 2012 and 2017 they are recorded here for the first time. Others have been part of the community’s prayer for a many years.
A few come from a much older tradition: for example, a hymn from the German evangelical churches of the 17th century and a litany based on antiphons of the
age-old tradition of the Church.

1. Laudemus Deum, 2. Jésus, ma joie, 3. Jubelt und freut euch, 4. Sanasi on lamppu, 5. Jesu Christe, Fili Dei, 6. Benedictus Dominus Deus, 7. Señor que florezca tu justicia, 8. Ô Sagesse, 9. Wait for the Lord, 10. Ô vous qui dans l’obscurité, 11. Heureux qui s’abandonne à toi, 12. Laudamus te, 13. Atme in uns, 14. Voici Dieu qui vient à mon secours, 15. Confitemini Domino, 16. Staňte se solí země.