Finding Our Way Back, Praying Our Way Forward

Prayer moments for Lent, Holy Week, Advent, Christmas and beyond

Rebeka Maples

Wild Goose



Inspiration for each day of Lent, Holy Week, Advent, Christmas and beyond, including short passages from scripture, reflective poems, suggestions for meditation or action, and short prayers.

The author’s hope is that you will find an echo of your own story in the ancient text, prompting you to ask questions of the Mystery of God and sink into a space of prayer and meditation. As you feel the breath of new life, may you re-emerge from these sacred moments into the world with a sense of optimism.

Rebeka Maples, PhD, is Director of Spiritual Formation for the United Methodist Course of Study School of Ohio. She retired from parish ministry after serving Methodist churches in England and the U.S., but continues working with clergy and spiritual directors in various ecumenical contexts. Her inspiration comes from nature and the arts, with an eye for the holy wherever it may appear. She is a member of Spiritual Directors International and an associate member of the Iona Community.